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Старый ламповый фонарь Warhammer 40000 40k
2019-03-05 13:41:36
#News_LampPost #Warhammer40k Вархаммер коммюнити дает окончательный ответ на вопрос - кто сможет брать новых вангард космодесантников. В так, вкратце дается описание, что Фобос броня, это легкая версия Марк X брони, которую используют разведовательно-диверсионные войска, для которых, скрытность и быстрота являются ключевыми особенностями ведения боя (больше бэковой информации по ним, можно услышать в понедельничном Вокс-касте с Джесом Гудвином) Далее также коротко описывается каждый юнит с его основными способностями: 1) Инфильтраторы - базовая пехота, работают в тылу врага, нарушая и подрывая коммуникации оставаясь незаметными, но в решающий час выходят бить/стрелять лица. 2) Сапрессоры - молниеносный ответ разведывательных сил для уничтожения тяжелой пехоты и техники противника, на случай появления их на поле боя. Огромная автопушка (от Сикаран Танка кстати) позволяет поражать широкий спектр целей, а гравшуты существенно повышают мобильность. 3) Элиминаторы - снайперы и мастера засады. Уничтожают командование и ключевые цели в армии противника, с помощью целого арсенала различных патронов. Прямо таки отряд на все случаи жизни. 4) Лейтенанты - младший офицерский состав, руководящий несколькими отрядами и координирующий их действия. В некотором смысле заместитель капитана. Сам по себе очень прицельно стреляет и довольно умело режет. 5) Библиарии - особое подразделения библиариев, специализирующихся на ведении скрытной войны с соответствующей дисциплиной псайкерства - обман врага, повышение мобильности союзных войск и их прикрытие. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/03/05/mar-5-shadowspear-focus-vanguard-unitsgw-homepage-post-4/ "Shadowspear Focus: Vanguard Units You’ve seen all the miniatures from Warhammer 40,000: Shadowspear, and as it’s up for pre-order this weekend, we’ll be telling you more about them over the coming days. Right now, it’s the turn of the Vanguard Space Marines. First of all, we’re going to take a look at the Phobos pattern of Mk X power armour that they wear… Mk X power armour is a marvel in design – a modular, adaptable system of ceramite plating that can be adjusted for multiple tactical roles, from the Phobos pattern designed for scouting and reconnaissance all the way up to the heavy Gravis variant worn by Aggressor Squads. Regardless of its pattern, Mk X armour is designed to attach to a special undersuit worn by each Primaris Marine, enabling it to be fitted in different configurations according to need. Amongst the Vanguard formations, there is no standard armour style, though Mk X Phobos patterns are most common due to the nature of their combat doctrine. The armour adopted by Infiltrators and Reivers, in particular, is a lighter variation that offers increased manoeuvrability and quieter movement. Infiltrators Infiltrators are responsible for disrupting enemy communications and sabotaging targets of opportunity. Their back-mounted omni-scramblers intercept signals across a broad spectrum, scrambling frequencies and shutting down enemy communications. When the time comes for the Infiltrators to fight directly, they emerge from their hiding places under cover of smoke grenades and cut down their foes with disciplined volleys from their marksman bolt carbines. Suppressors Suppressors specialise in rapid responses to heavily armoured enemy threats, entering battle either by dropping directly into the action via grav chutes or in long, bounding leaps with their jump packs. As soon as a target is sighted, the Suppressors engage their shock-absorbing servo plates and let fly with their accelerator autocannons. The brutal ferocity of the foot-long, armour-piercing shells they unleash will blast apart anyone caught in their path and force even the most stoic enemies to seek shelter from the murderous firestorm. Eliminators Dedicated marksmen, these fire support warriors haunt the shadows of the battlefield, seeking out high-value targets and bringing them down with pinpoint volleys. The optical sights of their bolt sniper rifles can be tailored for any situation, from thermoscopic vision to precision auspex scans that can penetrate several feet through solid matter. Each member of an Eliminator squad carries spare magazines filled with special issue ammunition for every tactical eventuality and variety of target. Vanguard Lieutenants Lieutenants of the Vanguard formations provide support and tactical flexibility for their Captain. Often, when a strike team is engaged in a complex, multi-faceted operation, a Lieutenant will be assigned to oversee one or more critical aspects. In addition to their leadership qualities, Lieutenants are skilled bladesmen and dead-eye shots with their occulus bolt carbines. Vanguard Librarians Librarians chosen for Vanguard service have mastered unique battle-disciplines that focus on obscuring the passage of their comrades and wrong-footing the opponent with illusions and hallucinations. Shaping psychic energy about themselves like a cloak of shadow, these psykers guide their battle-brothers through enemy territory to their destination without raising so much as a flicker of suspicion from watchful foes. They are cowled in hooded camo cloaks to keep their identity – and the formidable psychic potential at their disposal – concealed from prying eyes. That’s you all up to speed on how these Vanguard units operate. Tune in later in the week, when we’ll be discussing some of their rules in battle and taking a look at the Vanguard Warlord Traits and the new Obscuration Discipline. Until then, let us know which Vanguard units you’re most excited about on our Warhammer 40,000 Facebook page."

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