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Старый ламповый фонарь Warhammer 40000 40k
2023-10-29 22:15:23
#Rumors_LampPost #Black_library Наконец-то в сети всплыл первый общий краткий пересказ второй части Конца и Смерти (финал Осады Терры разделённый на 3 части). Пост на БиЧе разместил довольно таки заметный ветеран форума, так что общая правдивость информации - относительно достоверная. https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/379879-the-end-and-the-death-part-i-ii-iii/?do=findComment&comment=5998330 Вкратце - никаких шаблоноразрывающих событий там не представлено. Есть некоторые "иные" взгляды на прошедшие события, где события изменены, но в сущности их изменения пока что особо не влияют на общий канон вахи. И да Сангвиний умирает, если кто не знал. Правда в той сцене, всё же есть заметное изменение. Далее СПОЙЛЕРЫ, поэтому если не хотите портить себе впечатление от книги - время остановиться и закрыть вкладку. Итак вкратце - в книге на 743 страницы описываются события абордажа корабля Хоруса, который с каждой секундой становится всё могущественнее (и в целом большая часть книги крутится вокруг "божественных" дел) постранство-время-причины вокруг Терры деформируются, энергия варпа не захватила на Терре только лишь сам Тронный зал. Судьбы многих героев начинают резко переплетаться (привет походу Локена сквозь двери измерений) в итоге оставшиеся Бессмертные уговаривают Императора не поддаваться искушению зачерпнуть силу из Варпа и не разметать всё и вся к варповой бабушке. При этом сам Хорус наоборот черпает эту силу вёдрами и по сути идёт по процессу становления Богом и с этой позиции разговаривает со своими противниками, предлагая им стать его помощниками в нелёгком деле управления смертными. У разных героев свои испытания. Ладно, ключевая экшн сцена. САНГВИНИЙ ВРЫВАЕТСЯ В ТРОННЫЙ ЗАЛ И РЕЗКО РАСПОЛОВИНИВАЕТ ХОРУСА К ЕДРЕНИ ФЕНИ КРОВЬ-КИШКИ-РАЗЭТСАМОЕ и уже приготовившись нанести смертельный удар Архи предателю находящемуся на коленях, Хорус понимает, что Сангвиния уже не перетянуть свою темную сторону - перестает играть с ним в игрушки - убивает Саню-Санечку. В общем - против почти-Бога, полномочия Сангвиния уже всё. Остальные детали - в пересказе самого читателя: "So then, this to me is definitely a "vibes" book - a lot of it is focused on how characters are feeling as the world ends, and there's a sense of desperate melancholy. It's principally told from the point of view of the loyalists, though Abbadon gets a few chapters as well, and there is a bit from Horus (interestingly largely in second person, which makes it feel very different). There are a couple of threads that are core to the book - Sanguinius' journey to Horus is one, but smaller than you might think (despite it taking 600 pages of 741 to get there) but the meat of the story is The Dark King thread. So... I know we're under spoiler tags here, but this is your final warning. If you have any intention of reading this book, I would firmly advise you to stop now and come back later. All good? OK... let us begin. As might be expected, this picks up more or less immediately after Vol 1. With the Emperor away, the Throne and Malcador are failing and alongside it, reality itself. Geography, time, space - all are broken. Loken opening a door and finding himself on the Vengeful Spirit isn't some fluke of plot armour, it's literally the plot of this book. Characters end up where they don't expect, and time and space eventually fold to the point that the Spirit, the Palace and the shattered approaches all "occupied the same coordinates" - though all of the instruments are also useless. Chaos and the Warp are seeping into the very bones of the Palace... and the Palace, for all intents and purposes falls. From within. The traitor host is quite literally coming out of the walls, and only really the Throne room remains unviolated. The implication is that Horus' ascension has made him a functional God, and he can now bend reality itself to his will (but I'm sure Sanguinius will be fine...) and is essentially shredding reality around him, now that the majority of Terra's defences are gone. Admist all of this, the Emperor presses onwards to his wayward son. He's essentially just in the Warp... and here's the thing. The Emperor stole power from the Warp once. He can do it again. And so, whilst most of the characters think that the prophecy of the Dark King is what will happen if Horus wins. And maybe it could have been. But it's not. The Emperor draws deep of the Warp and becomes something... else. A black void of power and wrath and devastation. Something that leaves bits of the traitors fleeing, and annihilates whatever stands against him. Even were he to win, humanity would lose. His apotheosis would be specifies doom as much as Horus'. Eventually, Loken joins with what's left of the Companions, after beating Samus on the Vengeful Spirit. The companions themselves run afoul of Erebus, leaving only Leetu, Grammaticus and Ollinius alive and Actae buried under a small mountain, technically alive as a perpetual but very unhappy.) They manage to essentially talk the Emperor down from using this power to destroy Horus - and thr chapters describing this are excellent - and he relinquishes it and prepares to face Horus. Loken and Leetu accompany him, whilst Ollianius and Grammaticus go back into the maze of the Palace/Vengeful Spirit to ensure they can follow their own breadcrumbs to stop the Emperor because time is a mess. The other thread concerns Sanguinius, who is fairly swiftly separated from his host and then runs into something that purports to be Ferrus Manus. His explanation for this is that Horus is now so powerful that he can pluck lost souls from the empyrean and restore them (though he's definitely not quite right) and Sanguinius and Manus discuss the chain of events leading them here, what happens next and whether or not Horus will convince him to join the traitors. You see, Horus is at this stage mostly separated from reality and is planning to offer Sanguinius, Dorn, Valdor and the Emperor seats at his side in service of him as new servants of the ruinous powers (Nurgle, Khorne, Tzeentch and Slannesh if you were wondering.) There's actually a fairly interesting duality here between Horus and the Emperor- Horus is now ascended to true God-like power, but is very much fettered by a mortal perspective whereas the Emperor has the perspective and arrogance of a God, but sets aside the power for the future of humanity (though he of course remains absurdly potent anyway.) Sanguinius makes his way to Horus, they briefly chat, then Sanguinius basically takes Horus apart using his speed, flight and fury. He has the arch traitor on his knees, bleeding and carved open, and prepares to put Encarnmine through him. At which point Horus blocks the strike, stands up and murders Sanguinius. Turns out that he was holding back in the hopes his brother might relent, and he really didn't want to kill Sanguinius, unlike the others. We get it from Horus' perspective and it is brutal. The book ends with Horus shattering Sanguinius' spine, ribs and neck with one twist of the Talon and leaving his broken body to be displayed on the bridge. Other bits of note: Dorn spends the entire book in the red desert refusing to submit to Khorne. It is implied he's been there millennia by his perspective. He is released when the Emperor's relinquishing of Psychic powers essentially shorts out the prison he's in, and finds Actae buried in the ruins. Valdor is trapped fighting Daemons and its implied he perceives only 62 seconds of combat. I still don't know what the point of the Basil Fo arc is. Vulkan enacts The Unspoken Sanction to support Malacador and hates himself for it. Sigismund is a badass, saves Keeler and a procession of pilgrims from the Sons of Horus. The Dark Angels under Corswain and Cypher continue fending off the Death Guard near the Astronomicon. Typhus uses sorcery to mess with the librarians and sets the work to restore the beacon back. Ahriman turns up in the vault/library where Sinderman and Loken were, is polite but sassy. Erebus remains a dick. This is not a spoiler."

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