Эта запись была опубликована на стене группы "Старый ламповый фонарь Warhammer 40000 40k" 2023-11-01 15:27:46.

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Старый ламповый фонарь Warhammer 40000 40k
2023-11-01 15:27:46
#News_lampPost #AoS На банду Blacktalons опубликованы варскроллы как для АоСа, так и для Варкрая: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/11/01/put-the-blacktalons-to-work-hunting-down-foul-foes-with-free-downloadable-rules/ Put the Blacktalons to Work Hunting Down Foul Foes with Free Downloadable Rules Neave and her Blacktalons are having a fantastic time. They are the stars of Warhammer+ show Blacktalon, they’re front and centre in an upcoming novel by Liane Mercel, and are also available to pre-order right now as a set of gorgeous miniatures. Unfamiliar with these veteran agents of Sigmar and their many exploits? Look no further than the video below, which gets to the core of what this band of heroes is all about. This eclectic gang also make an appearance in Dawnbringers: Book III – The Long Hunt, coming to the aid of the Aqshyian element of the Twin-Tailed Crusade. In game terms, they have become a Regiment of Renown, able to lend a helping hand to Order armies who need tough targets eliminated post haste. Neave has seen a bit of an upgrade. Her signature Whirlwind Axes now have a little extra accuracy and bite, while Justice from Azyr makes her anathema to any enemy HERO foolish enough to stand against the God-King’s finest hunter. Neave’s companions Hendrick, Rostus, and Shakana each bring their own talents to the battlefield, though their primary task is to act as the bodyguards for Neave and Lorai, Child of the Abyss. Any time Neave or her Idoneth Deepkin ally are about to take a wound, Shield of Azyr lets one of their companions intercept the damage on a 2+. Download the warscrolls for Neave Blacktalon, Lorai, Child of the Abyss, and Neave’s Companions by clicking the button below. The crew may also be dispatched on smaller missions in Warcry, and they have a full complement of abilities representing their diverse skills. Neave herself is an absolute powerhouse who can snipe from a distance, or easily close the distance and unleash a flurry of attacks with her whirlwind axes. Lorai can lower the efficacy of enemy fighters with her Nebulous Sea-fog [Triple] within 6” for the remainder of the battle round – a key ability for keeping this slight force from being overwhelmed by packs of ravenous ghouls or brutish ogors. Download the Warcry rules for Neave and her crew by hitting that big button below. Pre-order the Blacktalons and Dawnbringers: Book III – The Long Hunt on Saturday so you can get your hunt on. This isn’t the last we’ll hear from these stalwart heroes, so keep checking in with Warhammer Community for all the latest news from the Mortal Realms.

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