Эта запись была опубликована на стене группы "Старый ламповый фонарь Warhammer 40000 40k" 2023-11-08 12:24:00.

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Старый ламповый фонарь Warhammer 40000 40k
2023-11-08 12:24:00
#News_lampPost #Black_library БЛ продолжает нас дразнить книгами с недоступными моделями Имперской гвардии на обложках - но в целом, Deathworlder это уже 5-ая книга в серии Астра Милитарум (рассказывает об отделении 903-ого полка Катачанцев застрявших на планете пожираемой тиранидами) https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/11/08/catachans-vs-tyranids-who-are-the-deadliest-predators-in-this-new-astra-militarum-novel/ "Catachans vs Tyranids – Who Are the Deadliest Predators in This New Astra Militarum Novel? The domain of the Imperium comprises innumerable planets, each as varied as the last. Teeming hive worlds that bustle with bureaucrats, backwater agri-worlds where entire populations toil to feed legions of soldiers, and death worlds where humanity ekes out a desperate struggle against hostile environments. Among these death worlds, the planet of Catachan is famous for the hard-as-nails regiments it supplies to the Astra Militarum, soldiers for whom the dangers of a 41st Millennium battlefield are like a holiday camp when compared to their homeworld. Yet even they struggle against the monstrous onslaught of the Tyranids, and one squad is facing the fight of their lives in the latest upcoming Astra Militarum novel from Black Library – Deathworlder. Written by Victoria Hayward – author of the short stories Blood Sands, The Carbis Incident, and more – Deathworlder follows Major Wulf Khan and the 903rd Catachan ‘Night Shrikes’ as they struggle for survival on a world already lost to the Tyranids. Their resolve to fight and die where they stand is unshakeable, but an unexpected mission to recover vital archeotech places the fate of the entire Lazulai system in their hands, and Khan’s resolve will be sorely tested against an endless and inimical xenos jungle where even her hard-nosed troops have second thoughts. This is the latest novel in the Astra Militarum series, following on from Steel Tread by Andy Clark, Longshot by Rob Young, Witchbringer by Steven B Fischer, and Catachan Devil by Justin Woolley. Keep an eye on Warhammer Community for more news on upcoming release dates and Black Library reveals."

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