Эта запись была опубликована на стене группы "Старый ламповый фонарь Warhammer 40000 40k" 2023-11-18 03:14:38.

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Старый ламповый фонарь Warhammer 40000 40k
2023-11-18 03:14:38
#Studio_preview #Warhammer40k Десвингу трейлера не завезли - но вот они слева направо: На стриме подтверждают обратную совместимость оружия между новым и старым набором Десвинга. В наборе достаточно зачпчастей, чтобы надеть на всех шлемы или, по деланию, капюшоны, и вооружить весь отряд мечами или булавами. The Deathwing are feared throughout the galaxy, known for arriving without warning in a crackling haze of teleporter energy. Now they’ve done it again – though happily this time without gunning down every last witness. The Dark Angels are masters of Tactical Dreadnought armour – and while the bone-crunching new Terminator Squad is a worthy addition to any First Company, true veterans of the Inner Circle demand more than bolters and fists. Patience is a virtue of the Unforgiven, and that patience has paid off. The Deathwing are here. And not just any Deathwing – Deathwing Knights, the elite of the elite. These indomitable paragons of war are worthy of a completely separate kit, replete with cowls, tabards, shields, swords, and maces large enough to crush a small tank. There’s considerable variety in the box. You can arm all five Knights with either swords or maces, and there are sufficient hooded or helmed heads to run the whole squad in your preferred style, mix-and-match headgear, or keep up the variety even with a second squad of Knights. It’s enough to make even the most resolute member of the Fallen spill the beans… You also get a teleport homer to guide your unexpected arrival from the empyrean, and a Watcher in the Dark billowing fragrant incense from a censer held aloft. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/11/18/world-championships-preview-deathwing-knights-deep-strike-from-the-shadows/

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