Эта запись была опубликована на стене группы "Старый ламповый фонарь Warhammer 40000 40k" 2023-11-27 13:05:33.

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Старый ламповый фонарь Warhammer 40000 40k
2023-11-27 13:05:33
#News_lampPost #Necromunda Вернулись старые добрые Некромундельники - сегодня показывают новых персонажей, тематичных для банды Делак и конечно же апгрейд пак для пустошей. Машинку (или как они перемещаются) для пустошей зажо.. не показали. Ну, зато карточки обновили. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/11/27/get-spooky-with-a-new-rogue-doc-and-gang-lookout-for-house-delaque/ "Get Spooky with a New Rogue Doc and Gang Lookout for House Delaque The House of Shadow is perhaps the most mysterious of the Great Houses of Necromunda, with their pasty fingers in innumerable illicit pies. Some say they’re in the employ of the ruling Imperial House, while others claim that the ruling members of other houses are in their employ. Either way, nothing happens on Necromunda without the Delaque hearing of it. How do they manage such subterfuge? Well, a wide network of hangers-on for starters. Two of these hired helpers will soon be available to buy from Forge World: the Rogue Doc and the Gang Lookout. The first is a vital inclusion for any gang – a trained medicae who can make an additional Medical Escort action at the end of every battle for free, saving the lives of injured gangers. The Gang Lookout, on the other hand, helps ensure that you get to be the Attacker or the Defender in a scenario. Then there are the House Delaque Ash Wastes Upgrades, which come with 10 unique masked-and-goggled head designs for your vehicle crews and outdoor gangs, plus two sets of five backpacks and 10 flasks. And that’s not it for the least hairy lads in the 41st Millennium* – there’ll also be a pack of 18 new Delaque Vehicle Tactics Cards with eight blank vehicle cards, and a reprint of the second set of Delaque Gang Tactics Cards. And remember, if you want to construct your own Delaque vehicles, rules for their drivers and unique upgrades are available to download for free here. These models will all be available in Forge World resin – coming soon to a pre-order near you. [id55737130|*The] Genestealer Cults might contest this claim…"

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