Эта запись была опубликована на стене группы "Старый ламповый фонарь Warhammer 40000 40k" 2023-12-01 13:10:52.

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Старый ламповый фонарь Warhammer 40000 40k
2023-12-01 13:10:52
#News_lamPpost #Horus_heresy Продолжение серии Показательных сражений времён Ереси Хоруса - сегодня представляют миссию Освобождение Констаникс II где принимают участие Механикус и Гвардия Ворона. Помимо миссии также доступны и дополнительные правила для Имперского ополчения (ваще мелкие) https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/12/01/exemplary-battles-of-the-horus-heresy-tech-guard-bolster-the-cult-mechanicus/ Exemplary Battles of the Horus Heresy – Tech Guard Bolster the Cult Mechanicus Throughout the Horus Heresy, Loyalists and Traitors employed numerous unique formations, through choice or necessity. In rare instances, the machine-worshippers of the Cult Mechanicum would incorporate Imperialis Militia detachments in their armies, bolstering their cohorts of augmented cyborg soldiers. Armed with powerful weapons blessed by the Mechanicum or rapidly augmented with barbaric neuro-suppressors, these troops provided the forces of the forge worlds with a numerical advantage in many warzones. Andy from the Horus Heresy team is here to explain further as we dip into our final Exemplary Battle of this series – Constanix II. Andy: The Liberation of Constanix II is described in the Black Library novel Corax: Soulforge, which has the Traitor Mechanicum fielding Daemon Engines against the Loyalists, making this a great companion piece to the rules for fielding such monstrous constructs (previously published in Exemplary Battles of the Age of Darkness -– The Depths of Tredecimmia). As with all of the Exemplary Battles series, this article includes new rules for Age of Darkness players to try out. A number of new Provenances that can be taken by Imperialis Militia armies are included, theming them after the types of mortal forces found on Constanix II, as well as those from other forge worlds. This gives players the chance to field some very different types of units in their Mechanicum force. In common with the existing Imperialis Militia, this army list offers some intriguing new conversion and kitbashing opportunities. This article draws to a close the current run of Exemplary Battles, a series that very much focused on the lesser known and, in many cases warp-corrupted, forces that first saw combat during the Horus Heresy. But fear not, we’ll return to the series in due course as the Horus Heresy team have plenty of ideas for future subjects up their sleeves, inspired by the vast and rich canon of the Age of Darkness. Download the document below to start fielding detachments of augmented militia alongside legions of brainwashed Tech-Thralls, cohorts of powerful Battle-automata, and baleful Knights in services of the Cults Mechanicum.

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