Эта запись была опубликована на стене группы "Старый ламповый фонарь Warhammer 40000 40k" 2024-03-28 14:17:35.

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Старый ламповый фонарь Warhammer 40000 40k
2024-03-28 14:17:35
#News_lampPost #Horus_heresy Ееее - Новый пластиковый командный... апгрейд пак? Ээээ... ну лаааадно... спасибо и на этом - хотя уж могли бы и офицеров пристегнуть. В набор входят 5 щитов-мечей (обычных) и 2 альтернативных меча. Два знамени, несколько голов, наплечников и чутка украшений. Совместим с наборами новых марков Мк3 и Мк6. Набор подходит и для трейторов, и для лоялов - к набору прилагается лист декалей. Upd. Также выйдут два отдельных набора с пятью маринчиками в Мк3 и Мк6 - один литник с космодесантниками, один стандартный апгрейд-пак с сержантским снаряжением из коробки тактички, и новый апгрейд командника. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/03/28/heresy-thursday-plant-your-flag-with-new-legion-command/ Heresy Thursday – Plant Your Flag With New Legion Command A little-known fact about the Horus Heresy is that it featured a lot of Space Marines. Hundreds of thousands of gene-crafted soldiers were split between loyalty to their all-powerful Emperor and his rebellious but undeniably charismatic Warmaster. In this crisis, entire companies turned to storied champions for leadership, from Praetors to Siege Breakers – but nothing makes a veteran leader really look the part more than an elite retinue of bodyguards and bannermen. The Command Squads of the Legiones Astartes pair frontline commanders with an entourage of highly disciplined warriors, raising their Legion’s colours high as they clash with opposing forces – the last flag flying is always the winner. THHThursday CommandSquads Mar28 Image1 The Legion Command Upgrade Set is a new plastic frame with 27 upgrades, perfect for fitting out your Command Squads with all the extra pomp and pizazz they so clearly deserve. On top of all the plastic bits, you’ll also get a new Legion Command transfer sheet in the box, which includes 463 decals. THHThursday CommandSquads Mar28 Image2 You’ll score five combat shields and five regular power swords, two alternative power swords – one sheathed, the other gripped in a bionic arm with an empty sheathe – and a bolt pistol, plus numerous arms and hands to put them all to work. The kit also contains four artificer pauldrons, a helmet under one arm, and 11 heads – three bare and eight in fancy helmets. What really sets a Command Squad apart from any other collection of exemplary Veterans is the detailed Legion standard they hold aloft. This kit includes options for a large hanging tapestry or a more compact standard, with four interchangeable icons themed around Loyalist or Traitor Legions. This upgrade set is compatible with both Legion MKIII and MKVI Tactical Squads. For those who urgently need a gang of appropriately armoured heavies to stand by their characters and look menacing, you’ll also be able to pick up Legion Command Squads ready to go, in different boxes for either armour mark. THHThursday CommandSquads Mar28 Image4 Each will contain one sprue of five Tactical Space Marines, the standard Tactical Squad accessory sprue featuring bayonets, a power sword, plasma pistol, and a power fist or lightning claw, as well as the new Legion Command Upgrade frame and transfer sheet. THHThursday CommandSquads Mar28 Image6 All three of these sets are plastic and will be available to pre-order later in the year, giving you plenty of opportunities to pair your finest Praetors with their very own Legion Command Squad. The new rules in The Battle for Beta-Garmon even allow you to pair up Centurions and Consuls with a Company Command Squad using the same set – let no leader walk alone!

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