Эта запись была опубликована на стене группы "Старый ламповый фонарь Warhammer 40000 40k" 2019-03-09 14:11:07.

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Старый ламповый фонарь Warhammer 40000 40k
2019-03-09 14:11:07
#News_LampPost #Warhammer40k #Rules Updated2. Добавлено фото, разъясняющее ситуацию с тактичкой. Updated. Слили варлорд трейты из Shadow spear для обеих фракций: ХСМ 1. Arch-Sorcerer +1 power from any discipline listed in the datasheet. 2. Devourer of magic Warlord can attempt to deny 1 additional power in each enemy psychic phase; regain 1 lost wound each time at success. 3. Reader of fate Once per battle, you can re-roll failed Psychic test or Deny the Witch test for your warlord. In addition, if your army is battle-forged, roll a D6 each time your Warlord successfully manifests a psychic power, on 6 you gain 1 additional Command Point. 4. Infernal gaze If your Warlord successfully manifests Smite, the closest visible enemy unit within 24" suffers MW, instead of 18". 5. Warp lord Re-roll rolls of 1 during a Psychic test for Warlord. 6. Add 1 to your Warlord's Strength. In addition, you can re-roll damage roll made by attacks with your Warlord's force weapons И СМ 1. Shoot and Fade After making a shooting attack, your Warlord can move as if it was the movement phase. Must advance as well 3.Master of the Vanguard Add 1 to all move, advance, and charge rolls to all Chapter units within 6" of your Warlord 4.Stealth Adept -1 from all to-hit rolls against your Warlord. 6. Marksman's Honours Add 1 to damage characteristic for ALL shooting weapons your Warlord uses. Reroll hit and wound rolls for your Warlord's shooting attacks. Does not affect grenades or relics 2-й и 5-й трейт показывали до этого - бонус на +1 ту-хит соседнему юниту против конкретного врага и перед началой игры перестановка варлорда и 3 юнитов.

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