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Старый ламповый фонарь Warhammer 40000 40k
2024-04-09 13:38:52
#News_lampPost #Old_world #FAQ Ого! Первый ФАК/Эрраты для Старого мира - пока что, только для рулбука и индексов, но скоро присоединятся и Аркейн книги (сейчас правки на них включены в индексы). Также предупреждают, что никаких прорывных или кардинальных изменений не делали т.к. ещё только начало редакции и людям нужно привыкнуть к общим схемам и стратегиям, чтобы уже на основе этого вносить более конкретные изменения: https://www.warhammer-community.com/the-old-world-downloads/ https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/04/09/old-world-almanack-designers-notes-on-the-faq-and-errata/ Old World Almanack – Designer’s Notes on the FAQ and Errata Warhammer: The Old World has been out for just over two months, and it’s safe to say that it’s been a great success. Now that people have had the chance to get to grips with quite a complex set of rules, the team have released their first set of community-driven FAQs – for the Core Rules, Forces of Fantasy, and Ravening Hordes, on top of some corrections to errors in the Legacy PDFs, all of which you can download below. Here’s what the team has to say. This past weekend heralded the release of the third Arcane Journal, giving the Orc & Goblin Tribes two exciting new Armies of Infamy, two special characters, several new units, and loads more brand new content. This expands upon the rules in Ravening Hordes, allowing Orc and Goblin players to enjoy a similar amount of content to the Kingdom of Bretonnia and Tomb Kings of Khemri. Along with full army lists for the nine core factions and Legacy rules for seven more, that’s a lot of content released in a short amount of time for a brand new game and a lot for players to get to grips with! As with any newly released game, we’ve had plenty of questions from players, and we’d like to say a big thank you to everyone who has taken the time to get in touch. We’ve genuinely enjoyed receiving feedback via the Old World FAQ inbox. Armed with your questions, we’ve updated the initial Old World FAQ document (which included a combination of questions the designers and playtesters anticipated would come up) and added two more; one for Ravening Hordes and one for Forces of Fantasy. Both of these incorporate the relevant Arcane Journals. In all of these we’ve addressed the questions asked most often and, where appropriate, added commentary in order to add clarity. We’ve also taken the opportunity to make a few adjustments in the form of errata. For example, we’ve amended some of the universal special rules, making it more clear how they interact with units and characters. Finally, we’ve updated the Legacy army lists, strictly in order to correct some errors that had crept in when we wrote them. If you’re using one of those, please make sure you have the most up-to-date version downloaded. What we have not done is make any significant changes to gameplay or army lists. We feel that at this time Warhammer: the Old World is just too new. People are still learning the rules, forming strategies, and mastering their tactics. Further updates and errata might be required in the future, but right now we’re happy with the gameplay experience, and happy that the different factions each present a unique challenge. Thanks guys! Click the button below to get to the downloads. There’s more good news for fans of the World of Legends – French and German translations for the three current Arcane Journals will be available from the Warhammer webstore very soon."

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