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Старый ламповый фонарь Warhammer 40000 40k
2019-11-26 17:27:47
#News_lampPost #Kill_team Больше информации про Килтимовский сборник: У сестёр конечно же есть свои рандомные таблицы и набор тактик, в пример приводят возможность дать -2 ап и 2 дамага штормболтеру до конца раунда за 2 КП. Даташиты варьируются от боевых сестёр (две из которых можно проапгрейдить до тяжеловооружённых Стрелков) до репентий и флагеллянтов. Командиром можно взять либо Канонессу, либо Репентию Супериор, последняя очевидный выбор для репентий поскольку позволяет реролить адванс и чардж репентий в пределах 6", а так же реролить им колы на тувунд в мили. В этот же сборник добавлены команды наёмников Круутов и Хаос демонов, ранее выходившие в Белом Гноме, так же как и обновлённые даташиты всех моделей из Чернокаменки и дополнений, новых Вангардов СМ, ХСМ и прочих. На сдачу обещают больше новых миссий и нарратива, об этом ещё выйдет статья на этой неделе. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/11/26/adepta-sororitas-kill-team-sightedgw-homepage-post-2/ "Adepta Sororitas Kill Team Sighted! The inaugural Kill Team Annual hits the shelves this holiday period, ushering in three more Kill Team factions alongside a host of new and updated datasheets. We’ll be checking out the many awesome aspects of this essential Kill Team companion this week, but for today, we’re focusing on the latest kill teams, Commanders and units that feature in the book. First up, it’s the… Adepta Sororitas Kill Team! That’s right – the mighty Sisters of Battle will soon be taking to the skirmish battlefields of the 41st Millennium for the first time! The Sisters themselves excel at close-range firepower – their holy trinity of bolter, flamer and melta are an ideal set of weapons for the close confines of a Kill Team board. Add solid armour and the option for some great melee fighters to that and you have a truly formidable Kill Team. And, if you got hold of a copy of the Sisters box set, you already have more than enough models to make your team! Their presence also opens up loads of cool narrative mission options, from a purging witch hunt to a quest for redemption in battle and much more. In addition to receiving randomly generated tables (including squad names and demeanours), the Sisters of Battle get their own set of Tactics, like this nasty trick to have concealed within the folds of your habit… Your datasheet options vary from the reliable, well-armoured Battle Sisters (two of whom can be upgraded to more heavily armed Gunners), to the brutal melee power offered by Sisters Repentia and Arco-flagellants. You can also lead your kill team with either a Canoness or Repentia Superior as a Commander – the latter being the obvious choice if you favour dealing eviscerator-ing death with your Sister Repentia thanks to her amazing Driven Onwards ability… More Kill Teams! If you’ve been keeping up to speed with White Dwarf over the course of the year, you’ll have seen the rules for Kroot Mercenaries and Chaos Daemons kill teams before, but they’ve also been included for convenience or in case you missed out.* Both kill teams offer a variety of swift and deadly melee fighters that can be fielded in large numbers, enabling them to overwhelm even the toughest enemies in short order. And there’s more – the Kill Team Annual 2019 also features updated datasheets for all of the Blackstone Fortress explorers and hostiles… including the Dreaded Ambull! With all of these additions compiled together, you’ll be able to pull off all manner of thematic combinations, such as leading a kill team of Kroot Mercenaries with Dahyak Grekh, or your Adepta Sororitas with Taddeus the Purifier alongside Pious Vorne. Up-datasheets Dodgy puns aside, you’ll also find datasheets for all the latest Space Marines Vanguard units such as Incursors and Infiltrators, as well as updated weapon options for Intercessor Sergeants** (all of which also featured in White Dwarf earlier this year), Chaos Space Marines and much more besides. The Kill Team Annual 2019 offers you more factions and narrative depth than ever before, as well as loads of missions and even the means to design your own specialisms! We’ll be detailing more of these cool features later in the week, so stay tuned! If you’ve yet to try out Kill Team for yourself, now’s the time to pick up a copy of the starter set – between that and the Kill Team Annual, you’ll have everything you need to get cracking! The annual itself is up for pre-order this weekend, so be sure to bag yourself a copy then. * You can always subscribe to White Dwarf to avoid similar disappointment in the future! ** It’s thunder hammer time…"

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