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Старый ламповый фонарь Warhammer 40000 40k
2019-11-28 16:44:59
#Rumors_LampPost #News_LampPost Небольшая солянка по правилам и очкам из ЧА2019: 1) На немецком ФБ засветилась новая стратагема тиранид: 2КП, использовать в начале псифазы врага. Если в течение той фазы он провалит каст в 12" от синапс юнита, то получит д3 морталок 2) Люди с Реддита на основе сливов сделали пост со списком изменений, чтобы остальным не нужно было ломать глаза: Ссылка на обсуждение: https://old.reddit.com/r/WarhammerCompetitive/comments/e2v510/chapter_approved_points_updates/?st=k3iviusi&sh=f6500389 Space Wolves Arjac Rockfist down 35 points to 110 Bjorn down 30 points to 150 Canis Wolfborn down 25 points to 100 Harald Deathwolf down 53 points to 135 Krom Dragongaze down 15 points to 75 Logan Grimnar down 30 points to 140 Logan Grimnar on Stormrider down 35 points to 155 Lukas the Trickster down 30 points to 80 Murderfang down 45 points to 125 Njal Stormcaller down 23 to 115 Njal Stormcaller in Runic Terminator Armour down 28 to 125 Ragnar Blackmane down 41 points to 100 Svangir and Ulfgir down 4 points to 4 Ulrik the Slayer down 25 points to 85 Primaris Battle Leader down 5 points to 65 Primaris Rune Priest down 3 points to 90 Primaris Wolf Priest down 3 points to 77 Rune Priest down 8 points to 80 Rune Priest in Terminator Armour down 2 points to 100 Rune Priest with Jump Pack down 4 points to 108 Wolf Guard Battle Leader in Terminator Armour down 21 points to 70 Wolf Guard Battle Leader on Thunderwolf down 18 points to 86 Wolf Lord on Thunderwolf down 23 to 95 Wolf Priest down 3 points to 72 Wolf Priest in Terminator Armour down 5 points to 90 Wolf Priest with Jump Pack down 7 points to 90 Blood Claws down 1 point to 12, Wolf Guard Pack Leader down 2 points to 14, Wolf Guard Terminator Pack Leader down 3 points to 23 Grey Hunters down 1 point to 12, Wolf Guard Pack Leader down 2 points to 14, Wolf Guard Terminator Pack Leader down 3 points to 23 Reivers down 2 points to 16 Elites - Wolf Guard Pack Leader up 2 points to 16 Elites - Wolf Guard Terminator Pack Leader up 3 points to 26 Wulfen down 5 points to 23 - Frost claws down 4 to 11, Great frost axe down 8 to 9 Wulfen Dreadnought down 5 points to 65, Long Fangs down 1 point to 13, Wolf Guard Pack Leader down 2 points to 14, Wolf Guard Terminator Pack Leader down 3 points to 23 Fenrisian Wolf down 2 points to 6 Land Speeders up 25 points to 70... Skyclaws up 1 point to 16 Dreadnought combat weapon down 10 points to 20 Fenrisian great axe down 20 points to 30 Frost Axe down 4 to 6 Frost Claws down 4 to 11 Frost Sword down 2 to 5 Great Wolf CLaw down 25 to 20 Runic Axe down 2 points to 10 Blood Angels Chief Librarian Mephiston down 15 points to 145 Commander Dante down 25 points to 150 Gabriel Seth down 25 points to 110 The Sanguinor down 50 to 130 Death Company down 2 points to 15 Death Company Dreadnought down 10 points to 70 Elites - Death Company Intercessors are 18 - This must be a new unit, not a CP upgrade. Furioso Dreadnought down 10 points to 60 Primaris Apothecary down 8 points to 60 Reivers down 2 points to 16 Sanguinary Ancient down 9 points to 55 Sanguinary Guard no change - Angelus Boltgun down 3 to 0 Sanguinary Novitiate down 5 points to 50 Terminator Ancient down 21 points to 87 Chaos Daemons Horticulous Slimux down 15 points to 150 Infernal Enrapturess down 10 points to 70 Kairos Fateweaver down 35 points to 250 Lord of Change down 20 points to 250 Shalaxi Helbane down 40 to 220, or 230 with Aegis Keeper of Secrets down 30 to 210, or 220 with Aegis The Masque of Slaanesh up 13 to 78 Skarbrand down 40 to 290 Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster down 30 to 210 Plaguebearers up 1 to 8 Furies down 1 to 7 Plague Drones down 4 to 36 Screamers down 5 to 23 Beasts of Nurgle down 4 to 30 Bloodcrushers down 7 to 40 Exalted Flamer down 20 to 50 Fiends down 5 to 37 Flamers down 5 to 20 Burning Chariot down 10 to 100 Exalted Seeker Chariot down 10 to 70 Skull Cannon down 10 to 80 Daemon Prince with Wings down 15 to 155 Chaos Knights Knight Desecrator down 45 to 340 Knight Despoiler w reaper chainsword and thunderstrike gauntlet is 305 (excluding wargear) War Dog down 15 to 145 Tyranids Tervigon down 18 to 162 Toxicrene down 15 to 125 Tyranid Warriors down 2 to 18 Tyrannocyte down 25 to 50 Acid spray down 5 to 20 Impaler cannon down 5 to 25 Rupture cannon down 14 to 25 Massive sything Talons pair for Trygon and Trygon Prime, down 10 to 30 Genestealer Cults (Wargear) Clearance incinerator down 10 to 20 Demolition charge up 5 to 10 Heavy mining laser down 10 to 15 Heavy seismic cannon down 5 to 15 Missile launcher down 5 to 10 Mortar up 2 to 9 ​ Death Guard (copied from another comment - too blurry for me) Cultist down 1 point Land raider down 20 points Terminator lord down 10 point Predator down 5 points Rhino went up 15 points (edit: too blurry, it could be 65 - which means its down by 5) Spawn went down 5 points Helbrute went down 20 points Malignant plague caster went down 15 points Blight haulers went down 15 points Possessed went down 3 points Poxwalkers went down 2 points Sorceror went down 10 points Terminator sorcerer down 2 points Typhus went down 20 points Plaguebearers went up 1 point Combi melta went down 4 points Entropy cannon went down 5 points Plague spewer went down 2 point ​ Dark Angels (also from a Comment below - too blurry for me) Asmodai 130 -> 110 Azrael 180 -> 150 Belial 150 -> 125 Ezekiel 135 -> 110 Sammael in Sabreclaw 216 -> 200 Sammael on Corvex 183 -> 140 Not sure about the numbers, but this is what I can get out of the image. Edit: You can see the heavy support units list and the wargear selection too, but the latter is unreadable. The heavy support points are: Devastator squad 11 (probably means that regural marines drop to 11) cherub 5 Eliminator squad 18/19 (probbaly 18) Hellblaster squad 18/19 (probably 18) Hunter 80 -> 75 Landraider 200 -> 180 Landraider crusader 200 Landraider redeemer 180 Predator 90 -> ?? (can't read it) Repulsor executioner 215 Stalker 75 Vindicator 125 3) И ещё на ВарКоме выложили пару не очень интересных статей. 3.1) Про нарратив: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/11/28/chapter-approved-2019-forging-a-narrativegw-homepage-post-2/ 3.2) И про КиллТим: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/11/28/kill-team-choose-your-specialist-subjectgw-homepage-post-4/ 4) И немного более интересная статья про Андерворлд: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/11/28/skaeths-wild-hunt-by-aman-khusrogw-homepage-post-3/

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