Эта запись была опубликована на стене группы "Старый ламповый фонарь Warhammer 40000 40k" 2019-12-22 08:54:54.

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Старый ламповый фонарь Warhammer 40000 40k
2019-12-22 08:54:54
#Rumors_LampPost #Warhammer40k От Валрака прямо с утра потекли небольшие (но более достоверные) слухи касательно бэка "Ритуала проклятых" из Психического пробуждения: Story One: "The Piercing Eyes and shows that the GK are monitoring the Planet of the Sorcerers and its surface activity. It also shows how the TS are prepared for this, blah blah.. and has some beautiful written descriptions of the surface nature of the planet and what it looks like. Magnus knows they are coming and apparently makes it known during the GKs' prying" Story Two: "Features a guy named Lazarus who is a DA Company Master. He was wounded trying to thwart some Thousand Sons and has crossed the Rubicon. The Dark Angels were called upon by the GK- apparently things are so bad they need backup. They mention that this Lazarus fellows' sword is one of the instruments to bring retribution to the Thousand Sons for also sacking their secret rooms within the Rock Lazarus was is the now the Captain of 5th Company after Balthazar died. He had a whole segment dedicated to him in the Dark Angel White dwarf on how he hates the Thousands Sons etc, so it connects him to this. I wonder if he will be the model for this event." Some quotes from the stories featuring Lazarus: "- The sorcerer glanced over at Lazarus, a contemptuous gaze and disdainful scoff his only reply before his vision return to the prism and his ritual continued" - "Lazarus renamed the blade 'Enmity's Edge,' and with it the Dark Angels would have their Vengeance" - "Kindle the fire that burns within you, nurture it into a searing fury, and bring down retribution upon Magnus and his sorcerous legions for the destitution they have brought upon our Chapter"

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