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Старый ламповый фонарь Warhammer 40000 40k
2020-01-13 15:00:55
#News_LampPost #Warhammer40k #Rules небольшой апдейт ещё одной стратагемы Dynamic insertion (первая картинка поста) ДА НУ НАКОНЕЦ-ТО! Правила из Ритуала проклятых - фекшн фокус по Серым Рыцарям. Итак перво-наперво - вместо доктрин обычных СМ, у ГК (GK - Grey Knights) своё правило Masters of the Warp - где выбирается одна из 4-х волн 1) Tide of Fury - атаки пехоты с помощью Nemesis оружия имею рерол 1 на ту-вунд 2) Tide of Convergence - дает +1 к силе и дамагу Пси-оружия 3) TIde of Shadows - дает ковёр (!) войскам. А если юнит в тиррейне то дает бонус -1 на ту-хит по нему 4) Tide of Escalation - юниты наносят дополнительную морталку с помощью Rites of Banishment (если пси-сила не отменена) Волну можно поменять во время игру с помощью специального каста из новой школы для ГК - Dominus (там 6 новых пси-сил). Также там есть каст - Empyrian Domination WC7 - скастуй пси-силу - получи 1 КП В книге также будут новые стратагемы, одна из которых - Empyric Surge - после того как френдли ГКпсайкер скастовал силу, другие псайкеры в 6-ти от него получают +1 к касту до конца фазы. Новые релики - Stave of Supremacy - если враг кастует в 18 от носителя этого посоха, то получает Перила за каждый дубль на касте. Кроме того - у ГК свой собственный набор Литаний Битвы - Lithanies of Purity (ееее ГКшные капелланы) - одна из таких литаний - Recitacion of projection - добавляет 6 дюймов к дистанции стрельбы Болт и Пси-оружия. Такие дела. ГК из бэк бэйби. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/01/13/ritual-of-the-damned-chapter-focus-the-grey-knightsgw-homepage-post-2/ "Ritual of the Damned Chapter Focus: The Grey Knights If you need to stop a Daemon-Primarch then you need to call the galaxy’s premier Daemon hunters – the Grey Knights. Fortunately, the sons of Titan have a whole host of new tricks to stop the Crimson King from performing his Ritual of the Damned. Who Are They? The founding of the Grey Knights remains shrouded in mystery – all that is really known is that they are the Chamber Militant of the Ordo Malleus, dedicated to fighting the Daemons of Chaos. They don’t just purge the physical manifestation of the Dark Gods, though – they also have a more solemn duty, for they must eradicate any who have witnessed a daemonic incursion to ensure that those exposed to the taint of Chaos cannot spread the corruption. Each member of the Grey Knights Chapter is an expert psyker, and this is reflected in their new Masters of the Warp rule. Rather than having the doctrines of the other Space Marines Chapters, this allows the Grey Knights to choose one of four different Tides to be dominant during the game. These give your entire army a bonus – choose the Tide of Fury if you want to easily cut your way through enemy forces. You can change the active Tide by using the Warp Shaping psychic power, one of six new powers included in Ritual of the Damned as part of the Dominus discipline, which Grey Knights psykers can choose from instead of picking from the Sanctic discipline. Along with giving you the power to change your Tide of the Warp, you can select Empyrean Domination to add to your pool of Command Points. Sometimes even the Grey Knights need a little extra help manifesting their psychic powers, though. Fortunately, a new Stratagem can call on the Emperor’s grace to make it easier. As well as a whole host of new Stratagems, the Grey Knights now have access to a selection of extra Relics of Titan. With Magnus and his sons flinging around psychic powers left, right and centre, you can take a new Relic, the Stave of Supremacy, to punish them. On top of all of that, the Grey Knights have a completely new set of litanies for their Chaplains. Used at the right time, these Litanies of Purity can swing a battle in your favour. If the enemy thinks they are out of range of the Emperor’s vengeance, just chant the Recitation of Projection and prove them dead wrong. These new tools and tricks emphasise the Grey Knights’ position as psychic masters and Daemon hunters extraordinaire. The warp-spawned Neverborn will soon be crying all the way back to the Chaos Gods in the immaterium. Psychic Awakening: Ritual of the Damned is available to pre-order from Saturday. Grab yourself a Grey Knights Terminator Squad and make sure you’re ready to face up to Magnus the Red and his Thousand Sons."

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