Эта запись была опубликована на стене группы "Старый ламповый фонарь Warhammer 40000 40k" 2020-02-03 17:02:57.

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Старый ламповый фонарь Warhammer 40000 40k
2020-02-03 17:02:57
#News_lampPost #Forge_world Форжа! Опять ты травишь?! Элитные Контекар Терминаторы (пока только в рендере) и Арквитор с Тяжелой Морбус бомбардой - дедушка бомбарды Дедушки. Итак - первые, это отпрыски правящей элиты с Нострамо, в результате чего они воюют только с теми предводителями, которых считаю достойными. А недостойных они тупо сами устраняют. Они обычно вооружены Нострамскими цепными глефами, тяжелым огнемётом или волькитными кавитаторами. Их можно будет органично использовать в составе нового детачмента для Повелителей ночи - Костяной Крест /The Cross of Bones. А второе - это стандартный вариант закачки Арквитора - с большой Бомбардой. Не то чтобы по предыдущим закачкам (с грав-пушкой и ракетами) было не очевидно, что этот танчик сделан для оправдания существования Плагбёрст кроулера Гвардии смерти в 40к - но вот, Форжа решила сказать это вслух - этот тот самый танчик из которого появился Плагбёрст кроулер. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/02/03/the-road-to-thramas-part-3-terror-troopsgw-homepage-post-2fw-homepage-post-1/ The Road to Thramas – Part 3: Terror Troops So far in the Road to Thramas, the Dark Angels have had things their way. That ends today, as it’s time to take a look at the Contekar Terminator Elite from the Night Lords Legion. Contekar Terminator Elite When the VIIIth Legion needed butchers and murderers of the highest calibre, they unleashed the Contekar Terminator squads. With recruits taken from Nostramo’s ruling elite, they would only fight for leaders they deemed worthy of their attention. In fact, the Contekar would often be dispatched to wrest control from Night Lords whose commanders thought them unfit for the Legion. Armed with heavy flamers or volkite cavitors and Nostraman chainglaives, they are going to bring abject despair and destruction to the Thramas system. The Nostraman chainglaive, in particular, is going to slice through a lot of Loyalist Space Marines. You can take full advantage of the Contekar Terminators by fielding them as additional Elites choices as part of a new Night Lords unique Rite of War – The Cross of Bone. With new Rites of War, new units and new characters, The Horus Heresy Book 9 – Crusade will allow Night Lords players to persecute their war of terror across the galaxy on an unprecedented scale. Legion Arquitor Bombard with Morbus Heavy Bombard This Horus Heresy campaign book also adds extra units for both sides in the bitter civil war. We’ve already seen the graviton-charge cannon version of the Arquitor and the spicula rocket system has been deployed. Now, it’s time to show you the standard* version of the Arquitor, armed with the devastating Morbus heavy bombard. The shells fired by the Morbus heavy bombard bring absolute devastation to even the most heavily armoured enemy units. Clearly, even Mortarian was impressed, as there’s more than a touch of the Arquitor about the daemonic Plagueburst Crawlers that he unleashed on the Imperium after the Heresy.** Be sure to pick up an Arquitor for your Legion before the Death Lord gets his daemonic hands on it… The Horus Heresy Book 9 – Crusade will be released later this year, as are the Contekar Terminators and Arquitor with heavy bombard. In the meantime, pick up a Night Lords Praetor so that the Contekar have someone to keep their eyes on."

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