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Старый ламповый фонарь Warhammer 40000 40k
2019-02-26 16:05:16
#News_LampPost #AoS #Faction_focus Вышла статья о Скавенских рытвинах. Всё что вы хотели и не хотели знать об этом явлении: Ну в общем - Скавенские рытвины это такие межпространственные тоннели. Чтобы у вас не взорвался мозг придумывая, как можно строить тоннель через ничто - просто представьте, что это порталы а-ля вебвей через варп. Использовать его могут, кстати, только крысы, потому что опять же Варп. При этом каждый клан скавенов обладает своими способами для создания таких рытвин - Скраер строит дрели пронзающие реальность, Пестиленс колдует такую гниль, что она проедает сквозь ткань реальности. При этом понятия о том где окажется точка выхода у скавенов нет - роют на свой страх и риск- некоторые (Клан Шрикт) например вырыли проход в мир огня, больше о них не слышали. А другие (клан Эшин) - прорыли тоннель в Азир (штаб Штормкастов) и подслушивали планы Сигмара по контр-атаке на хаоситов. И хотя крысы сами по себе хаоситы - они других со-альянсников предупреждать не стали. Ну и когда Нагаш уже достраивал свою черную пирамиду - руководители Скавенов объявили тендер на ломание планов Нагаша. В итоге те немного перестарались и осушили целое море Хаптар. Идонетам казалось, что они уже давно на дне - но снизу постучали. Так и "открылась" новая фракция. Короче - весёлые ребята... эти авторы ГВ. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/02/26/26th-feb-lore-of-the-skaven-gnawholes-101gw-homepage-post-2/ "Lore of the Skaven: Gnawholes 101 The skaven are most decidedly back, with a new battletome, scenery and endless spells now on shelves worldwide. One of our favourite new things is the Gnawholes – a decidedly skaven-y alternative to Realmgates. Today, we’re exploring just what these arcane portals are – and the extent of their impact on the Age of Sigmar… The Basics Gnawholes are unnatural tunnels, bored through the very fabric of the void – the vast, mysterious space in which the Mortal Realms hang. Gnawholes are unique in that they allow transit between realms without the use of a Realmgate, but they are lethal for any but the skaven to use, producing vile, chaotic energies that can kill any nearby. The gnawhole network offers the skaven a unique tactical edge, allowing them to bypass any defence and meaning they have no need to battle over the Realmgates coveted by other races. How Gnawholes Are Made Each Great Clan has their own secret and arcane means of creating gnawholes. The Clans Skryre, for instance, use enormous reality-piercing drills, while the Clans Pestilens employ plagues that chew through reality itself. The final destination of any given gnawhole is somewhat unpredictable, and many skaven have perished by accidentally burrowing into a volcano or ocean in their eagerness to set up the perfect ambush… Gnawholes: A History The Origins In the Age of Myth, the secrets of creating gnawholes were shared with the skaven by the Verminlords – daemonic servants of the Great Horned Rat. The Disappearance of the Clans Shrykt In the Age of Chaos, the entirety of one of the Great Clans dug an enormous gnawhole in Aqshy, before vanishing into its depths. Neither the Clans Shrykt or the gnawhole were ever seen again. The Gnawhole in Azyr As Sigmar rallied his forces before the beginning of the Age of Sigmar, the powers of Chaos remained unaware of his plans to reconquer the Mortal Realms with the Stormcast Eternals. However, the operatives of Clans Eshin managed to witness the final preparations from the shadows of the God-King’s throne room. Disappearing through a hidden gnawhole, they shared this knowledge with a mysterious master… The Draining of the Khaphtar Sea As Nagash’s Great Black Pyramid neared completion, the Lords of Decay – the ruling overlords of the skaven clans – decreed that he must be stopped. A force of millions was mustered before being ignominiously destroyed when the gnawhole they were digging emerged at the bottom of the Khapthar sea – drowning the army and flooding Blight City with a literal tidal wave of Deadwalkers. The draining of the sea also resulted in the Idoneth Deepkin there being revealed to Nagash, forcing them into diplomatic negotiations with the forces of Order and shaping the fate of their race forever. And Beyond… The network of gnawholes only continues to grow, offering skaven access to more and more of the Mortal Realms and fundamentally weakening the fabric of reality… As long as they maintain the network, the skaven will remain a menace to the Mortal Realms – wherever their enemies hide and however they choose to defend themselves! If you’re looking to conquer the Mortal Realms with some Gnawholes of your own, you can find them online or in-store today."

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